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How Can We See Distant Starlight in a Young Universe

Top 5 Reasons to Join the
4th Day Alliance

15 Evidences for the Age of the Universe

The 4th Day Alliance Creation Astronomy ministry website is the largest online resource for Christian astronomy and Christian astronomers.

Recent Visitors to our Website Came From the following places on Earth:

Global Astronomy Month Coming

Perhaps you remember our blog post from last year regarding the International Year of Astronomy. In short, 2009 was the year that evolutionary astronomers were going to “share the heavens” with the world. In short, they wanted to promote evolutionary astronomy on a worldwide scale. In April 2009, the 100 Hours of Astronomy (100HA) Cornerstone Project of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009) was scheduled to “show what the astronomy community can do working together.” The idea was to have amateur astronomers, clubs, science centers and others hold events by the thousands around the world.

Well the International Astronomical Union wants the excitement to continue, and so it is putting on Global Astronomy Month. It will be another outreach to use astronomy as a tool for indoctrinating the world in the false doctrine known as the Big Bang. Of course, many participants in April’s outreach will not be purposely trying to fill the world with these evolutionary lies. Many of these enthusiasts are simply unwitting participants. In short, they really do love and enjoy astronomy, but they have simply been misled into believing the Big Bang myth.

Consider the following text from the organization’s official website:

“The star-filled night fascinates us all. People have gazed upward at it in wonder and awe for thousands of years. Regardless of earthly differences in culture, nationality or religion, the heavens are a common meeting ground for all of Earth's inhabitants. The boundaries we place between us vanish when we look skyward. Whoever, whatever or wherever we are, we all share the same sky.

Sharing is an integral part of appreciating the cosmos. Amateur astronomers regularly take their telescopes to public sites and invite others to join them in their exploration of the skies. The veterans relive the thrill of discovery alongside these new space explorers. This passion to share the night sky crosses international borders and cultures as well.

The heavens transcend political, ethnic and religious differences. The tensions of everyday life seem to drain away before the wonder and enormity of the skies, and those standing in darkness with heads turned upward never ask people beside them about their origins or beliefs. In that moment, differences are forgotten and we are one beneath the sky we share.

It is this bond between people that Astronomers Without Borders hopes to foster. A brief message or the gift of a small telescope can grow into lasting bonds, goodwill and friendships that reach around the world. Understanding replaces ignorance and suspicion. Media images are superceded by the faces of real people. Relationships, support and personal connections supplant stereotypes.

Astronomers Without Borders is people meeting among the heavens. It is only natural to do so. After all, we all share the same sky.”

Our suggestion to 4th Day Alliance members around the world is this—let’s participate in Global Astronomy Month! Let’s get creation astronomers, parents, home-educators, students, churches, etc. around the world out with their telescopes, books, and videos holding events and sharing the message of the “Glory of God in the Heavens!”